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Meet Tony

I'm a 55-year-old kiwi bloke living in the Waikato, which became home to me almost eight years ago, although it's felt like it was always home. 


Prior to this, I lived in Auckland where I began training in 2000 and then as a male counsellor and continued training in Transactional Analysis psychotherapy.

I now run a private practice in the Waikato and love my work.

A few things that matter to me ...

  • Something I view as essential is the ability for a client to have their own language for the change they experience. Part of our time together involves the client practicing the change they're looking for and seeing how it looks and feels. 

  • I want a client to experience therapy as fun, when possible. I approach my practice with a real-world attitude, underpinned by solid training and theory. I hope you get to experience that with me.

  • I attend personal and professional development and will do so throughout the lifetime of my practice, this also includes supervision.

I believe these three things (fun, self-awareness, client's own language of change), are the beginning of something worthwhile and change promoting.

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